HDRP Ray-Tracing - How to make reflections blurry?


Is it possible in Unity3D(2023 version) to make reflections blurry, either by a whole value or a texture map? I can get them as bright/dark as I want, but I thought a more blurry look could be appropriate for my use.

Is this possible?

I am using HDRP Lit material, with recursive geo and hardware raytracing, on a RTX 4070.


If I’m understanding the problem correctly, you’re trying to get rough reflections with recursive rendering.
Recursive rendering doesn’t support roughness if I recall correctly.
You’d best use pathtracing if you want rough reflections and still have recursive reflections.

if you check recursive rendering on a material it will override the rendering of this object for everything (think of it like a different rendering path like the pathtracer but just for the object).

The right way to do general rough reflections in raytracing in HDRP is by using Screen Space Reflection override and checking raytraycing (or mixed tracing) in the tracing mode property. By default, the min smoothness will probably be 0.9, so if you want to keep using raytraced reflection for rougher objects, you need to bring this value down otherwise, the feature will fallback to SSR for smoothness lower than that.

Recursive rendering is nice but it has some limitations (like keeping the objects smooth like OlvaAketun mentionned), it’s expensive… etc. See documentation for more.