Hello everyone!
I have this problem with the reflections in HDRP and i can’t seem to figure it out, and was wondering maybe someone here can help me with a hint or something that i am missing…
So here is my problem. In the attached image you can see the reflections are totally wrong…some of them look right but not entirely. You can see(print1) how they are dissapearing under the car, and i check the materials to be double sided and the polygons are closed there, so nothing its backfaced, also i played with the settings in the SSR but it does not seem to affet those areas.
Also in the print 2, the reflections are cutting out when i move the camera, you can see that its not quite right… and don’t really know what i should do to fix this.
Can someone help me, please?
Hey Haiduc,
For this kind of flat mirror like reflection effect, I recommend you switch to using a planar reflection probe. SSR can work quite well on the ground when the surface is bumpy and shiny (for example rough concrete after it has rained), but if you are trying to simulate a mirror style surface, Planar reflection probes will work much better. Remember, SSR can only reflect what the camera currently sees (hence the name, screen space reflection). Planar reflection probes on the other hand basically creates another camera view and the reflection is more physically correct. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the answer!
I actually tried the planar reflection and the results under the car where the same. Plus it created a new problem in the game view, and had a weird clipping like a white halo…
Are you using the latest version of HDRP?
Here is a quick test I did with SSR vs Planar Reflection Probes using HDRP 6.7.1 with Unity 2019.2.0b7 (notice the alignment of the Planer Reflection Probe with the ground):
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Yes, i use the latest version of HDRP.
THis is how it looks with the planar reflection on. Although it resolves the issue with the reflection under the car…it appears 2 more problems… :))
It looks like clipping on the sides…but i don’t know from where its that.
Edit: Managed to solve that one. It looks like the camera needs to be at 90 FOV…
I see you have 2 reflection probes in your scene. Does the problem still show if you disable all but the Planar Reflection Probe (disable the reflection probe)?
Yes, its still there. Even if i disable both of the reflection probes, the issude with the reflection under the man still occurs. Maybe its something from the SSR system…
Sorry, I meant if you use only the Planar Reflection Probe (perhaps also disable SSR for this Material to check it is setup correctly), does it look OK?
Thank you kind man! Actually, disabling the SSR from the material did the trick…i don’t understand it though why it can’t work with the SSR system but i will search for more documentation on that.
Leaving the Planar probe on, looks good.
Very welcome! Good luck with your project, looking great so far!
Thank you! That setup was just to test the issue with the reflections.
This is how it looks at the moment
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