Hi! I’m trying to switch from deferred to forward rendering as an experiment, but the “Lit Shader Mode” dropdown on my HDRP Render Pipeline asset is greyed out. Does anyone know what might be preventing this change? I’m using Unity 2019.1.9f1 and HDRP version 5.16.1. Thanks!
Maybe you haven’t enabled forward support in the Render Pipeline Asset?
There is two level of support for features.
RP Asset where you say if your game will support a feature or not (so we can avoid to allocated unused resources), and the camera settings which allow to control if this particular rendering will render this features.
Hello, thanks for your response! Yes, I see now how I got confused – there’s one set of settings with the header “Rendering” that seems to refer to the default frame settings for the camera, and there’s another with the header “Rendering” that refers to the rendering settings – so when I was looking for the Rendering settings to change, I got confused by the first ones and didn’t even open the second ones. Thanks! That’s pretty confusing.