HDRP Shadergraph Fabric documentation or demonstrations?

Hey folks, I’ve been experimenting with the Fabric shader with shader graphs with HDRP, but I can’t seem to get something looking remotely fabric. The options they provide seem straight forward but I can’t get the effect of fabric. So I’m obviously missing some information on how best to do this, but I can’t find any documentation for Fabrics in Shader Graph, or any demonstrations.

Would any of you guys happen know any resources that would help me in this learning endeavor?

For Fabric, you need to set values for the normal map, specular color, as well as smoothness and this should give you a good result.


Quick and dirty shader setup


What’s the difference between the fabric shader and a regular hdrp shader with a fabric texture as an albedo map?

The Fabric Shader has special built-in functions to make your material look more like fabric and reacts to lights differently than the lit shader. Cotton, Silk are the two built-in ones that will basically cover all types of fabric in terms of look. It can also use a specialized reflection probe for better quality.

Same with the eye shader, and decal shader. They are just more tailored towards their intended use than a generic Lit Shader if you are going for quality/realism. You could just use the lit shader on everything to save on shader variants and performance (or try to fake things a bit) with a lower quality look.

This is pretty old thread but for what it’s worth, there are samples now shipped with the HDRP package.

Just open Package Manager and navigate to HDRP package, there should be Material Samples listed there.

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NO fabric example in that package

Fabric examples are in the Shader Graph Samples. This sample pack is listed as second entry on HDRP 7.3.1 package samples at least.