HDRP Skybox and Post Processing Setting


I’m fairly new to unity and just switched to the HDRP to get some nice lighting and materials.

I installed the packages and “fixed” everything in my scene. But now I’m stuck with the Skybox that I can’t turn off. Also I like to change the bloom and ambient occlusion settings but I don’t know what I’m missing.

I have no Post Processing Volumes in the scene and in the “Project Settings” under “HDRP Default Settings” I created my own “Default Volume Profile Asset” that unchecks all the Sky stuff but with no effect. Basically I want a completely unlit scene with no default lights or preconfiguration, just a dark void I can put my stuff in ^^. Also the eye adaptation in the editor is really annoying for what I want to do.

So if you could help me or give me a tutorial that explains the whole HDRP workflow I’d be pretty grateful. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Did you assign your new profile as the default profile?

If so, that should be all you need. You could make sure the Visual Environment is set to None, to be safe:


HDRP layers up all the different profiles, but having a basically empty profile at the default should result in a completely dark scene, assuming you’ve removed any directional lights.

thank you dgoyette for your reply,
yes I’m slowly getting the hang of it. I got thrown off by that little icon here
but this toggles ONLY the settings specified in the “Default Volume Profile Asset” right? If I assign a game object with a volume component and adjust overrides there it has no effect anymore.

You mean the Post Processings toggle? That’ll toggle everything, whether it’s in the default, or a global or local volume.

Care to show what your volume and the associated profile looks like? Remember that for volumes, it can either be Global, which doesn’t require a collider, or it can be Local, which requires a collider to indicate its bounds. A Local volume with no collider won’t do anything, as far as I know.

And just to take things up a bit, here’s how I generally manage post processing in HDRP. You can think of it as kind of like a stack of layers, each sitting on top of each other.

  • At the bottom is whatever is defined in the Default. For me, this includes all settings I consider to be global in every scene in my game. These are still overridable, but usually I don’t override the defaults. I put Tonemapping here, Shadows, and Visual Environment = None.
  • Within a given scene, I have one Global volume with a scene-specific profile designed specifically for that scene. This might include Exposure settings, Fog settings, and color correction. It’s scene-specific because the assets used in different scenes demand different setting to look the way I want them to.
  • I also have a Global volume on my First Person Character controller with its own profile to control things that are generally true in every scene, but a more related to how things look through the character’s perspective. Things like Bloom, Vignette, and AO go here. This stuff could technically go into the Defaults, but I sometimes change these values at runtime, and it seems easier this way.
  • Finally, within some scenes I have Local volumes where the settings change a bit. A good example of this is walking into an extra foggy area. There I’ve created a volume set to Local, with its own volume profile, which increases the Fog intensity significantly. The fog ramps up as the player enters that area.

sry for the late reply
The Post Processing Toggle doesn’t seem to affect my scene when i have the overrides in a global volume. here:
these are my project settings:

My game object with the overrides:


I’m not sure why that’s happening. That’s not the behavior I get. If I turn off the “Post Processings” option in the Scene view, toggling any post processing settings, whether in global or local volumes, doesn’t change anything in the scene view. Sorry I don’t know why that would be happening.

no problem thank you for your help nonetheless. will certainly use the different volume workflow