I’m new to the HDRP and I really like the TAA I can put on my camera, but the entire screen gets a bit too blurry for my liking when moving the camera and when the camera is stationary there is flickering on my emmisive material building windows. Could someone explain to me how I can tweak the settings of TAA for the HDRP? I saw this similiar post where someone mentioned that you could tweak shader settings manually:
Like I said, I am new to HDRP, but I am also not very experienced with Graphics/Shaders modifiying etc.
You could try cherry picking the git commits for 6.9.2 I suppose, haven’t tested nor really see much point to do so
Is there any specific reasons why you want to keep using currently 100% unsupported Unity and HDRP version? 7.2 is first official HDRP release and 2019.3 which will become 2019.4 LTS any day now will be supported for the following 2 years (for 2019.4 version).
It’s not really any specific reason other than the fact that I’m always a bit scared of updating to newer Unity versions as long as the old one suffices. But official HDRP sounds worth updating for.
But you’re saying that HDRP 7.2 is the newest HDRP version and is also the first official release? And 2019.4 is LTS soon? Hmm, might update to 2019.4 then…
7.2.0 is first official HDRP release. 7.3.1 is latest HDRP for 2019.3/upcoming 2019.4. Unity is working on 7.4.0 atm.
Additionally there’s 8.1.0 for Unity 2020.1 which is still in beta.
That being said, the TAA improvements will land only for HDRP 9.x on the official releases. I have cherry-picked the changes on this branch manually to make it run on 7.3.1: GitHub - 0lento/Graphics at taa-update-7.3.1
I tried updating and after fixing quite a bit of compiler errors I got HDRP 7.3.1 to work, but then I broke everything again trying to merge stuff from the github you linked.
Make sure you have git lfs if you clone that repo. Download as zip will not work either. This is because Unity’s Graphics repo (mine is fork of it) is setup so that all binary files use git lfs.
Hey I think I have git with git lfs installed now, although this is all a bit confusing. How do I merge your repository with my project now? In the git bash, where do I need to navigate to to make the clone? I’m assuming my unity project folder, but if so, what sub folder? \Packages ? And once in the correct folder I then run the command in git bash: git lfs clone GitHub - 0lento/Graphics ??
Sorry for all the questions, I really appreciate the help, just very new to Git and all, since I always work alone and getting stuff from Github usually works fine with .zip downloads.
You can’t clone Graphics repo or it’s forks directly to packages folder because it has multiple packages. What you can do is make a local clone of the repo and use Package Managers file/folder referencing option (top left corner on Package Manager) to point to this custom HDRP package folder (or just clone it and then copy the HDRP package manually to your Packages folder).
Oh ok, and are which packages from your repository do I need for the TAA update? All of them? And do I need to have HDRP from the package manager installed or uninstalled beforehand?
So I tried, importing the local clone from your repository to my packages through the package manager and it sets my HDRP version to 2.0.6 preview and throws a bunch of errors such as:
LocalPackages\Graphics\com.unity.render-pipelines.core\CoreRP\Editor\IncludePaths\CoreShaderIncludePaths.cs(9,10): error CS0619: 'ShaderIncludePathAttribute' is obsolete: '[ShaderIncludePath] attribute is no longer supported. Your shader library must be under the Assets folder or in a package. To include shader headers directly from a package, use #include "Packages/<package name>/<path to your header file>"'
By that you mean only com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition, so not com.unity.render-pipelines.core as well? And if I run the command in git bash: git lfs clone GitHub - 0lento/Graphics does that grab the taa-update 7.3.1 branch?
It’s probably done by typing this into git bash no?:
$ git clone --single-branch --branch taa-update-7.3.1 GitHub - 0lento/Graphics
Ok so by cloning with the command in my last post worked in terms of getting the correct branch, when I imported it into unity with the package manager (I imported: com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition, com.unity.render-pipelines.core and com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition.config from the local branch nothing else) it says 7.3.1 and I can see extra options for TAA at the camera. All seems to be working fine and I can run the scene, but there are still some errors popping up:
Did I do something wrong still? Or is this nothing to worry about?
Edit: (Also all the settings this branch should add are: TAA history sharpening, TAA anti-flickering, TAA Speed Rejection and TAA Anti-ringing, nothing more nothing less correct? Any way to access those values from script?
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Experimental;
Dont seem to work. Reason I am asking is because the standard TAA settings are fine stationary but when the camera is in motion I would like to reduce the blurriness.
I don’t give any support for that branch, I’ve just gathered the TAA commits there in case people want to test it. There could be issues but I don’t see errors myself and other user at the other TAA thread (which I linked earlier) reported my branch to work so it could just be something on your end.