Has anyone found any workarounds or custom shaders to allow for tessellation? I found a custom shader for grass and details (Thanks to the creator of that gem), but tessellation is still heavily needed in my scene to prevent the ground from looking extremely flat (even with normals and heightmaps, if you can believe it).
I’ve got the same question as Zander so a little bump here .
Also Zander would you mind sharing a link to the Grass / Details shader?
Thank you!
I also have this question!
I actually think HDRP terrain shaders should use tessellation by default…
I mean…it is HDRP afterall.
That causes only problems. You don’t want to have your characters foot inside a tesselated stone by default
it is 2019…and non tesellated terrain, no matter what you do with it, looks really old…
I found a solution to the problem… sort of I can get tessellation to work on a terrain with a modified version of HDRP that I got from “the book of the dead environment”. It’s really hard to explain so instead I will tell you how I found it.
This might take a bit but it looks GORGEOUS and has so much potential.
Step 1) Use unity 2018.4 and make a normal 3D project (non-HDRP)
Step 2) Download the book of the dead asset (this will take a while but it’s worth it)
Step 3) In DepthOfFieldAutoFocus.cs change lines 53 & 57 to [UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Min(0.1f)]
Step 4) Restart Unity
Step 5) Click “Load Book of the dead”
Step 6) Locate the terrain inside the scene
Step 7) Go to the terrain settings
Step 8) Find “Custom Material” and notice that they are using not a HDTerrain material but a HighDefinitionRenderPipeline/layeredlit material
Step 9) Make your own HighDefinitionRenderPipeline/layeredLitTessellation material with the same settings as the HighDefinitionRenderPipeline/layeredlit material (remember to check the bottom checkbox under Advanced Options)
Step 10) Done, you now have 4 textures that can have individual tessellation levels (if you want to run the game with tessellation, make sure to decrease the start/end fade distance of the tessellation since its extremely computer intensive)
This is as far as I’ve gotten but I’m seriously disappointed that unity is keeping this WORKING technology from us. They know how the system works and now we also know they know how to make it work. So why cant they officially implement it? It would be such a huge upgrade to what we currently have. And while you’re at it (which your most definitely not) please let us use more than 4 textures when using the layered lit material. At this point I hope some random godsent solo unity enthusiasts finds this interesting and implements his own version.
Finally found a tutorial that explains this “hack” and how to implement it yourself in HDRP.
what was the video title, i cant find anything on this topic that isnt an overpriced asset for one feature and getting this error when trying to play video: Playback ID: 2Y23dSkoisUNT62f