HDRP - Texture property on Render Probe is always null.


When I try to access the texture property on my Render Probes, it always returns empty/null.

ReflectionProbe[] reflProbes = FindObjectsOfType<ReflectionProbe>();
foreach (ReflectionProbe probe in reflProbes)
     Debug.Log("- Probe '" + probe.name + "': '" + probe.texture + "'");

This wil return: - Probe ‘Probe_A’: ‘’

My project is using the High Definition Render Pipeline. The weird thing is that the Universal Render Pipeline or the Built-In one is not giving this issue. I’m also very sure that there should be a cubemap texture on the probe, because I can see it in the Scene View.

Does anyone know if this is a bug or intentional?

Apparently this is intentional. The HD render pipeline doesn’t use the standard render probe data. Instead it has a “HD Additional Reflection Data” component which controls all the probe’s settings.
So in my case, add a reference to the additional script:

using UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition;

And then instead of using the “ReflectionProbe” use the additional component:

HDAdditionalReflectionData[] reflProbes = FindObjectsOfType<HDAdditionalReflectionData>();
 foreach (HDAdditionalReflectionData probe in reflProbes)
      Debug.Log("- Probe '" + probe.name + "': '" + probe.texture + "'");