[HDRP-UPR ✅] Sky Master ULTIMATE-Physical skybox-Volume clouds-Weather FX-Ocean-Realtime GI-Mobile

WIP on Sky Master ULTIMATE URP - Airplane in rain demo.

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit [-]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-56#post-7667056)( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8073188)[Discount Offers]( [On -50% New asset sale!✅] Oceanis URP Water - Next Generation Ocean system page-2#post-8220996)

WIP on Sky Master ULTIMATE URP - Airplane in rain demo, dusk and night time, with Lightning in both fully volumetric image effect clouds and particle volumetric lit clouds.

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WIP on Sky Master ULTIMATE URP - InfiniCLOUD shader volumes and Full volumetric clouds systems, new shadow receiving from any scene object automatically feature WIP.

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Sky Master ULTIMATE work in progress on Single Pass Instanced VR for the InfiniCLOUD shader based volumetric clouds module.

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit [-]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-56#post-7667056)( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8073188)[Discount Offers]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8176859)

Sky Master ULTIMATE work in progress on Round planet clouds & atmosphere new demos.

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UPDATE - Sky Master ULTIMATE work in progress on WAPI integration.

The first WAPI controller version that controls the time, cloud density, rain, snow weather activation and Ligthtning storm from WAPI is now ready and is available to anyone that need this functionality on PM request. Also the WAPI interface will come in the next asset update in store.

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Sky Master ULTIMATE work in progress on WAPI integration, the video shows control of clouds density based on Clouds.x WAPI variable, adds rain and snow (if WAPI powers > 1) and adds Lightning if Thunder > 0.

Also the time is set by WAPI (near video end, i disable Sky master sun speed and all time adjustment is by WAPI)

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit [-]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-56#post-7667056)( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8073188)[Discount Offers]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8176859)

Sky Master ULTIMATE - work in progress on Round planet clouds & atmosphere new demos.

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Sky Master ULTIMATE - work in progress on Round planet clouds & atmosphere new demos.

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit [-]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-56#post-7667056)( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8073188)[Discount Offers]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-59#post-8356614)

Sky Master ULTIMATE (Currently at -40% off discount in Unity Sale !) - work in progress on Volumetric background clouds controls, Pushing and pulling the clouds from a scene point, defined by the local light in the clouds script, which can also give light to the clouds around the point in various ways.

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit [-]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-56#post-7667056)( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8073188)[Discount Offers]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-59#post-8356614)

Sky Master ULTIMATE - work in progress on Round planet clouds shadowing

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit [-]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-56#post-7667056)( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8073188)[Discount Offers]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-59#post-8356614)

Sky Master ULTIMATE - work in progress on Round planet clouds with orbiting objects demo

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit [-]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-56#post-7667056)( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8073188)[Discount Offers]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-59#post-8356614)

Sky Master ULTIMATE (Currently at -40% off discount in Unity Sale !) URP Version - work in progress on volumetric lit particles.

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit [-]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-56#post-7667056)( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8073188)[Discount Offers]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-59#post-8356614)

Sky Master ULTIMATE URP Round planets clouds and ORION upcoming round planet water system combined demo work in progress.

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit [-]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-56#post-7667056)( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8073188)[Discount Offers]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-59#post-8356614)

Sky Master ULTIMATE URP (Currently at -40% off discount in Unity Sale !)
Round planets clouds and ORION upcoming round planet water system combined demo work in progress.

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit [-]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-56#post-7667056)( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8073188)[Discount Offers]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-59#post-8356614)



Sky Master ULTIMATE URP Beta 24.


Sky Master ULTIMATE - v5.2.1 is now up at the Unity Asset Store! (Major Update - Standard Pipeline)

  • Fixed an issue in planetary clouds where the object around the clouds would float in different scale, now all orbiting objects are correctly placed in relation to the clouds.
  • Added demo with refined control of the pixel perfect edges of objects against volumetric clouds system after the above changes
  • Added dark side shading control on planetary volumetric clouds
  • Added new round planet demo showcasing the new dark side planet control options
  • Fixed an issue of colored noise around the planet in planetary atmosphere system
  • Fixed an issue of mirrored scene ghosting effect in the planetary atmosphere system
  • Added demos showcasing the focus around a point or making a hole around a point in the background volumetric clouds.
  • Added new shader based volumetric clouds demo showcasing the use as standalone without the sky manager be activated.

The same fixes and additions for Sky Master ULTIMATE URP are also coming soon in the next Beta 24 version.

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit [-]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-56#post-7667056)( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8073188)[Discount Offers]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-59#post-8356614)

Sky Master ULTIMATE Standard Pipeline - Work on new script-less mode for clouds and water.

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Sky Master ULTIMATE work in progress on new demo showcasing the new pixel perfect edges mode of objects against the volumetric clouds, at any downscale level.

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit [-]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-56#post-7667056)( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8073188)[Discount Offers]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-59#post-8356614)

Sky Master ULTIMATE work in progress on Lightning Storm demo.

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit [-]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-56#post-7667056)( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8073188)[Discount Offers]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-59#post-8356614)

Sky Master ULTIMATE Standard Pipeline - Fully volumetric clouds WIP in Multi pass VR mode. This new option will come in the next asset update. Tested in MockHMD.

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit [-]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-56#post-7667056)( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-58#post-8073188)[Discount Offers]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-59#post-8356614)