HDRP/VFX/Missing FPSSample tab

*From an earlier post: Error: Failed to load [...] because it was serialized with a newer version of Unity *

"Well FPS Sample 2.0 required specifically Unity 2018.3.0 B12 https://unity3d.com/unity/beta/2018.3.0b12
Yesterday (2/28/2019) FPS 3.0 was released on git-hub:
But, they have not updated any of the documentation on the website to reflect it.

The new 3.0 FPS sample requires Unity 2018.3.0f2
(this is the release 2018 Unity ! so that should make it more stable, right?)

Maybe update to FPS 3.0, unity 2018 prod, and see if it resolves and import your previous work. That’s my plan, anyway…

Wish it was 2019! but I can make due with broken terrains I suppose."