Is there any way that I can build a healthcare app with multiple screens? I need to build it for a project and don’t know how i can do this.


Unity is not overly suited for health care apps. Unity is best for things that require complex real-time visualisations. Health care apps also tend to use a bunch of native device functionality that requires jumping through hoops in Unity. Unity is great for games, but struggles to schedule an appointment on the users calendar. (One of my freelance projects involved a healthcare app in Unity. We got some prototypes up and running quickly, but in the end decided that Unity was not the right tool for the job.)

However if you want to use Unity I would check out the UI videos in the learn section.

I also have a basic screen switching video up on YouTube that may help. It does assume you are already familiar with Unity and the UI system.

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You are better off using Visual studio and standard C#; even if you want to display 3d data related to healthcare, you can do so wihtout the need to use Unity.

Of course you can make a SAP application with Unity, if you like so; it will be a pain, you will swear against all the known deities, but you can do it. Would that be the right tool for the job? Probably not, but the choice is yours.

Visual studio in fact is much easier than the UI interface of Unity; I can guarantee that :slight_smile:

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