Health Regeneration TimeScale Problem

Hi there i am busy working on this script and i am hoping it is going to get advanced so i can use it in many other games i am working on.

The problem is i want the script to know when it has hit something then if it hit something again within a certain amount of time to reset the time it takes to start regenerating health. I Would really appreciate the help guys thanks!

Here’s the script

var health : int = 100;
var lives : int = 3;
var normalHealth : boolean = true;
var healthRegen100 : boolean = false;
var healthEasyMode300 : boolean = false;
var healthNorMode100 : boolean = false;
var healthHardMode50 : boolean = false;
var healthRegenaration : boolean = true;
var healthRegenerationTime : int = 10;
var healthRegenerationTimeReset : int;

var loseHealthTag1_5health : String;// In the inspector just type the name of the Tag you want to be affected by // TRY AN ARRAY IN HERE [] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
var loseHealthTag2_10health : String;
var loseHealthTag3_15health : String;
var loseHealthTag4_20health : String;
var loseHealthTag5_25health : String;// In the inspector just type the name of the Tag you want to be affected by
var loseHealthTag6_30health : String;
var loseHealthTag7_35health : String;
var loseHealthTag8_40health : String;
var loseHealthTag9_45health : String;// In the inspector just type the name of the Tag you want to be affected by
var loseHealthTag10_50health : String;

@HideInInspector var gotHit : boolean = false;
@HideInInspector var gotHitAgain : boolean = false;

function Update()
	if(health >= 100 && normalHealth == true)
		health = 100;

// EasyMode   ///////////  EasyMode /////////// EasyMode
function OnTriggerEnter(hit : Collider)
	if(hit.gameObject.tag == loseHealthTag1_5health && normalHealth == true && healthRegenerationTime <= 10 )
			health -= 10;
				if(healthRegenaration == true)
						gotHit = true;
						gotHit = false;

		if(hit.gameObject.tag == loseHealthTag2_10health && normalHealth == true)
			health -= 20;
				if(healthRegenaration == true)
						gotHit = true;
						gotHit = false;
		if(hit.gameObject.tag == loseHealthTag3_15health && normalHealth == true)
			health -= 25;
				if(healthRegenaration == true)
						gotHit = true;
						gotHit = false;
		if(hit.gameObject.tag == loseHealthTag4_20health && normalHealth == true)
			health -= 50;
				if(healthRegenaration == true)
						gotHit = true;
						gotHit = false;
					}		}
	if(health <= 0)
			lives -= 1;
			transform.position = Vector3 (0,10,0);// In here type the Co-ordinates of where you would like to spawn. When you die
			health = 100;

function Modes() // For the Editor
			healthRegen100 = false;
			healthEasyMode300 = false;
			healthNorMode100 = false;
			healthHardMode50 = false;
			normalHealth = false;
			healthEasyMode300 = false;
			healthNorMode100 = false;
			healthHardMode50 = false;
			healthNorMode100 = false;
			healthHardMode50 = false;
			normalHealth = false;
			healthRegen100 = false;
			healthHardMode50 = false;
			normalHealth = false;
			healthRegen = false;
			healthEasyMode300 = false;
			normalHealth = false;
			healthRegen = false;
			healthEasyMode300 = false;
			healthNorMode100 = false;


function HealthRegenaration()
		if(gotHit == true && healthRegenaration == true);
			yield WaitForSeconds (healthRegenerationTime);
			health += 10;
			yield WaitForSeconds(healthRegenerationTime);

I dont recall(I might be wrong) that you can cancel or reset yield WFS(W/E); But I would use a timer. For something like this:

var waitForRegenTimer = 10.0;

if(we are hit){
waitForRegenTimer = 10.0;
//supstract life;
waitForRegenTimer -= 1 * Time.deltaTime;
if(waitForRegenTimer <= 0){
//start health regeneration.

I did not read your code(since I will go to bed now(that might bite me in the ass thou)).

But it should be something along those lines. :slight_smile: