I am having somewhat of a success importing and exporting heightmaps to unity, but I cant really see the use for two alpha channels.
I am a noob when it comes to graphics formats, but it seems to me that the height information is always stored in the alpha channel(s)
if you use 8 bit you will only need one 8 bit alpha channel.
if you choose 16 bit format it will take 2*8 bit channels and the end result will use some function(multiplying?) to merge the two channels together.
is this correct?
no it will not multiply anything. But it squares the amount of possible height values.
it will just use those 16bit (short instead of byte = 8bit) to store the values. Actually 65536 variations of height (where byte only is able to store 256 which does not offer many possibilities for steep and smoother terrains)
so in short: its just a matter of the number format used.
8bit is byte, where as 16bit is short
Actually no, alpha channels are not used at all for height. Height is pure raw data, either 8 or 16 bits.
thanks for the clarifications, however when i open a heightmap in ps, it (ps) has put the data into the alpha channels. I think I have it figured out enough to do what I want to do now anyways.