Hello i am having some trouble converting a JS script to a C# script, the script i am trying to convert as you can see below.
I am getting alot of errors which i dont know how to fix such as CS1061, CS1955, CS0103, etc.
Can someone please help me convert the js to c#?
-the JavaScript i am trying to put into C#.(The results of my script implementation is below)
// Generates an extrusion trail from the attached mesh
// Uses the MeshExtrusion algorithm in MeshExtrusion.cs to generate and preprocess the mesh.
var time = 2.0;
var autoCalculateOrientation = true;
var minDistance = 0.1;
var invertFaces = false;
private var srcMesh : Mesh;
private var precomputedEdges : MeshExtrusion.Edge[];
class ExtrudedTrailSection
var point : Vector3;
var matrix : Matrix4x4;
var time : float;
function Start ()
srcMesh = GetComponent(MeshFilter).sharedMesh;
precomputedEdges = MeshExtrusion.BuildManifoldEdges(srcMesh);
private var sections = new Array();
function LateUpdate () {
var position = transform.position;
var now = Time.time;
// Remove old sections
while (sections.length > 0 && now > sections[sections.length - 1].time + time) {
// Add a new trail section to beginning of array
if (sections.length == 0 || (sections[0].point - position).sqrMagnitude > minDistance * minDistance)
var section = ExtrudedTrailSection ();
section.point = position;
section.matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
section.time = now;
// We need at least 2 sections to create the line
if (sections.length < 2)
var worldToLocal = transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
var finalSections = new Matrix4x4[sections.length];
var previousRotation : Quaternion;
for (var i=0;i<sections.length;i++)
if (autoCalculateOrientation)
if (i == 0)
var direction = sections[0].point - sections[1].point;
var rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction, Vector3.up);
previousRotation = rotation;
finalSections _= worldToLocal * Matrix4x4.TRS(position, rotation, Vector3.one); _
// all elements get the direction by looking up the next section*
else if (i != sections.length - 1)*
{ *
_ direction = sections*.point - sections[i+1].point;_
_ rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction, Vector3.up);*_
* // When the angle of the rotation compared to the last segment is too high*
* // smooth the rotation a little bit. Optimally we would smooth the entire sections array.*
* if (Quaternion.Angle (previousRotation, rotation) > 20)*
* rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(previousRotation, rotation, 0.5);*
* previousRotation = rotation;*
finalSections = worldToLocal * Matrix4x4.TRS(sections*.point, rotation, Vector3.one);*
* }*
* // except the last one, which just copies the previous one*
* else*
* {*
_ finalSections = finalSections[i-1];
* }
* {
if (i == 0)
finalSections = Matrix4x4.identity;
* {_
finalSections _= worldToLocal * sections.matrix;
* // Rebuild the extrusion mesh *
* MeshExtrusion.ExtrudeMesh (srcMesh, GetComponent(MeshFilter).mesh, finalSections, precomputedEdges, invertFaces);*
@script RequireComponent (MeshFilter)
> -Trying to convert JavaScript to CSharp(My results).
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Extrusion : MonoBehaviour
bool autoCalculateOrientation = true;
bool invertFaces = false;
Mesh srcMesh;
MeshExtrusion.Edge[] precomputedEdges;
class ExtrudedTrailSection
Vector3 point;
Matrix4x4 matrix;
void Start()
srcMesh = GetComponent().sharedMesh;
precomputedEdges = MeshExtrusion.BuildManifoldEdges(srcMesh);
ArrayList sections = new ArrayList();
void LateUpdate()
var position = transform.position;
if (sections.Length == 0 || (sections[0].point - position).sqrMagnitude)
var section = ExtrudedTrailSection();
section.point = position;
section.matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
section.time = now;
var worldToLocal = transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
var finalSections = new Matrix4x4[sections.Length];
if (sections.length < 2)
worldToLocal = transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
finalSections = new Matrix4x4[sections.length];
Quaternion previousRotation;
for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++)
if (autoCalculateOrientation)
if (i == 0)
var direction = sections[0].point - sections[1].point;
var rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction, Vector3.up);
previousRotation = rotation;
finalSections = worldToLocal * Matrix4x4.TRS(position, rotation, Vector3.one);
else if (i != sections.length - 1)
direction = sections*.point - sections[i + 1].point;*
rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction, Vector3.up);
if (Quaternion.Angle(previousRotation, rotation) > 20)
rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(previousRotation, rotation, 0.5);
previousRotation = rotation;
finalSections = worldToLocal * Matrix4x4.TRS(sections*.point, rotation, Vector3.one);*
finalSections = finalSections[i - 1];
if (i == 0)
finalSections = Matrix4x4.identity;
finalSections = worldToLocal * sections*.matrix;*
MeshExtrusion.ExtrudeMesh(srcMesh, GetComponent().mesh, finalSections, precomputedEdges, invertFaces);
> And the JavaScript access’s the MeshExtrusion.cs so here it is.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
* An algorithm to extrude an arbitrary mesh along a number of sections.
The mesh extrusion has 2 steps:
1. Extracting an edge representation from an arbitrary mesh
- A general edge extraction algorithm is employed. (Same algorithm as traditionally used for stencil shadows) Once all unique edges are found, all edges that connect to only one triangle are extracted.
Thus we end up with the outline of the mesh.
2. extruding the mesh from the edge representation.
We simply generate a segments joining the edges
public class MeshExtrusion
* public class Edge*
* {*
* // The indiex to each vertex*
* public int[] vertexIndex = new int[2];*
* // The index into the face.*
* // (faceindex[0] == faceindex[1] means the edge connects to only one triangle)*
* public int[] faceIndex = new int[2];*
* }*
* public static void ExtrudeMesh (Mesh srcMesh, Mesh extrudedMesh, Matrix4x4[] extrusion, bool invertFaces)*
* {*
* Edge[] edges = BuildManifoldEdges(srcMesh);*
* ExtrudeMesh(srcMesh, extrudedMesh, extrusion, edges, invertFaces);*
* } *
* public static void ExtrudeMesh (Mesh srcMesh, Mesh extrudedMesh, Matrix4x4[] extrusion, Edge[] edges, bool invertFaces)*
* {*
_ int extrudedVertexCount = edges.Length * 2 * extrusion.Length;
int triIndicesPerStep = edges.Length * 6;
int extrudedTriIndexCount = triIndicesPerStep * (extrusion.Length -1);_
* Vector3[] inputVertices = srcMesh.vertices;*
* Vector2[] inputUV = srcMesh.uv;*
* int[] inputTriangles = srcMesh.triangles;*
_ Vector3 vertices = new Vector3[extrudedVertexCount + srcMesh.vertexCount * 2];
* Vector2 uvs = new Vector2[vertices.Length];*
int triangles = new int[extrudedTriIndexCount + inputTriangles.Length * 2];_
* // Build extruded vertices*
* int v = 0;*
* for (int i=0;i<extrusion.Length;i++)*
* {*
_ Matrix4x4 matrix = extrusion*;
float vcoord = (float)i / (extrusion.Length -1);
foreach (Edge e in edges)
vertices[v+0] = matrix.MultiplyPoint(inputVertices[e.vertexIndex[0]]);
vertices[v+1] = matrix.MultiplyPoint(inputVertices[e.vertexIndex[1]]);*_
* uvs[v+0] = new Vector2 (inputUV[e.vertexIndex[0]].x, vcoord);*
* uvs[v+1] = new Vector2 (inputUV[e.vertexIndex[1]].x, vcoord);*
* v += 2;*
* }*
* } *
* // Build cap vertices*
_ // * The bottom mesh we scale along it’s negative extrusion direction. This way extruding a half sphere results in a capsule.
* for (int c=0;c<2;c++)
Matrix4x4 matrix = extrusion*
int firstCapVertex = c == 0 ? extrudedVertexCount : extrudedVertexCount + inputVertices.Length;
for (int i=0;i<inputVertices.Length;i++)
vertices[firstCapVertex + i] = matrix.MultiplyPoint(inputVertices);
uvs[firstCapVertex + i] = inputUV*;
// Build extruded triangles
for (int i=0;i<extrusion.Length-1;i++)
int baseVertexIndex = (edges.Length * 2) * i;
int nextVertexIndex = (edges.Length * 2) * (i+1);
for (int e=0;e<edges.Length;e++)
int triIndex = i * triIndicesPerStep + e * 6;
triangles[triIndex + 0] = baseVertexIndex + e * 2;
triangles[triIndex + 1] = nextVertexIndex + e * 2;
triangles[triIndex + 2] = baseVertexIndex + e * 2 + 1;
triangles[triIndex + 3] = nextVertexIndex + e * 2;
triangles[triIndex + 4] = nextVertexIndex + e * 2 + 1;
triangles[triIndex + 5] = baseVertexIndex + e * 2 + 1;
// build cap triangles
int triCount = inputTriangles.Length / 3;
// Top
int firstCapVertex = extrudedVertexCount;
int firstCapTriIndex = extrudedTriIndexCount;
for (int i=0;i<triCount;i++)
triangles[i*3 + firstCapTriIndex + 0] = inputTriangles[i * 3 + 1] + firstCapVertex;
triangles[i*3 + firstCapTriIndex + 1] = inputTriangles[i * 3 + 2] + firstCapVertex;
triangles[i*3 + firstCapTriIndex + 2] = inputTriangles[i * 3 + 0] + firstCapVertex;
// Bottom
int firstCapVertex = extrudedVertexCount + inputVertices.Length;
int firstCapTriIndex = extrudedTriIndexCount + inputTriangles.Length;
for (int i=0;i<triCount;i++)
triangles[i*3 + firstCapTriIndex + 0] = inputTriangles[i * 3 + 0] + firstCapVertex;
triangles[i*3 + firstCapTriIndex + 1] = inputTriangles[i * 3 + 2] + firstCapVertex;
triangles[i*3 + firstCapTriIndex + 2] = inputTriangles[i * 3 + 1] + firstCapVertex;
if (invertFaces)
for (int i=0;i<triangles.Length/3;i++)
int temp = triangles[i*3 + 0];
triangles[i*3 + 0] = triangles[i*3 + 1];
triangles[i*3 + 1] = temp;
extrudedMesh.name= "extruded";
extrudedMesh.vertices = vertices;
extrudedMesh.uv = uvs;
extrudedMesh.triangles = triangles;
/// Builds an array of edges that connect to only one triangle.
/// In other words, the outline of the mesh
public static Edge[] BuildManifoldEdges (Mesh mesh)
// Build a edge list for all unique edges in the mesh
Edge[] edges = BuildEdges(mesh.vertexCount, mesh.triangles);
// We only want edges that connect to a single triangle
ArrayList culledEdges = new ArrayList();
foreach (Edge edge in edges)
if (edge.faceIndex[0] == edge.faceIndex[1])
return culledEdges.ToArray(typeof(Edge)) as Edge[];
/// Builds an array of unique edges
/// This requires that your mesh has all vertices welded. However on import, Unity has to split
/// vertices at uv seams and normal seams. Thus for a mesh with seams in your mesh you
/// will get two edges adjoining one triangle.
/// Often this is not a problem but you can fix it by welding vertices
/// and passing in the triangle array of the welded vertices.
public static Edge[] BuildEdges(int vertexCount, int[] triangleArray)
int maxEdgeCount = triangleArray.Length;
int[] firstEdge = new int[vertexCount + maxEdgeCount];
int nextEdge = vertexCount;
int triangleCount = triangleArray.Length / 3;
for (int a = 0; a < vertexCount; a++)
firstEdge[a] = -1;
// First pass over all triangles. This finds all the edges satisfying the
// condition that the first vertex index is less than the second vertex index
// when the direction from the first vertex to the second vertex represents
// a counterclockwise winding around the triangle to which the edge belongs.
// For each edge found, the edge index is stored in a linked list of edges
// belonging to the lower-numbered vertex index i. This allows us to quickly
// find an edge in the second pass whose higher-numbered vertex index is i.
Edge[] edgeArray = new Edge[maxEdgeCount];
int edgeCount = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < triangleCount; a++)
int i1 = triangleArray[a*3 + 2];
for (int b = 0; b < 3; b++)
int i2 = triangleArray[a*3 + b];
if (i1 < i2)
Edge newEdge = new Edge();
newEdge.vertexIndex[0] = i1;
newEdge.vertexIndex[1] = i2;
newEdge.faceIndex[0] = a;
newEdge.faceIndex[1] = a;
edgeArray[edgeCount] = newEdge;
int edgeIndex = firstEdge[i1];
if (edgeIndex == -1)
firstEdge[i1] = edgeCount;
while (true)
int index = firstEdge[nextEdge + edgeIndex];
if (index == -1)
firstEdge[nextEdge + edgeIndex] = edgeCount;
edgeIndex = index;
firstEdge[nextEdge + edgeCount] = -1;
i1 = i2;
// Second pass over all triangles. This finds all the edges satisfying the
// condition that the first vertex index is greater than the second vertex index
// when the direction from the first vertex to the second vertex represents
// a counterclockwise winding around the triangle to which the edge belongs.
// For each of these edges, the same edge should have already been found in
// the first pass for a different triangle. Of course we might have edges with only one triangle
// in that case we just add the edge here
// So we search the list of edges
// for the higher-numbered vertex index for the matching edge and fill in the
// second triangle index. The maximum number of comparisons in this search for
// any vertex is the number of edges having that vertex as an endpoint.
for (int a = 0; a < triangleCount; a++)
int i1 = triangleArray[a*3+2];
for (int b = 0; b < 3; b++)
int i2 = triangleArray[a*3+b];
if (i1 > i2)
bool foundEdge = false;
for (int edgeIndex = firstEdge[i2]; edgeIndex != -1;edgeIndex = firstEdge[nextEdge + edgeIndex])
Edge edge = edgeArray[edgeIndex];
if ((edge.vertexIndex[1] == i1) && (edge.faceIndex[0] == edge.faceIndex[1]))
edgeArray[edgeIndex].faceIndex[1] = a;
foundEdge = true;
if (!foundEdge)
Edge newEdge = new Edge();
newEdge.vertexIndex[0] = i1;
newEdge.vertexIndex[1] = i2;
newEdge.faceIndex[0] = a;
newEdge.faceIndex[1] = a;
edgeArray[edgeCount] = newEdge;
i1 = i2;
Edge[] compactedEdges = new Edge[edgeCount];
for (int e=0;e<edgeCount;e++)
compactedEdges[e] = edgeArray[e];
return compactedEdges;
Hey @NoseKills do you mind if i could have your help on this?