Hello, so i want to learn how to read and understand crash dumps / crash logs


I want to ask for some directions or recommendations to any documentation / resources that will teach me how to read and understand crash dumps and crash logs in order to be able to understand the causes of crashes. Would be grateful for any tips, as trying to google the topic for a long time now and it does not really yield any results for me, which means i am propably looking in an incorrect places.

It depends on the OS on which the dump was generated (Windows, linux, …). In short, you load the memory dump in to your IDE and then use the debugger to examine the stack, etc. . Some info for windows User-mode Dump Files - Windows drivers | Microsoft Learn

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Hi, thanks for the answer and directions. Looks like something i was looking for. As i am not from programming background, i do not even know what IDE is. Is it like one of those fancy editors for code?

Yes, IDE = fancy code editor (but it is much more than a code editor). But, if you don’t have programming/debugging experience, it would be hard for you to get any usable information from the dump.

Then, how do i get to a point where i can look at a crash log / crash dump and know what happened and why? Am very interested in aquiring that knowledge, but unfortunately i have no idea where to start and which way to proceed. I have time to learn just need a starting point and direction.

Well, then start learn programming. Then you can make some simple application where you intentionally make a crash (read/write the null pointer, call abort(), …), generate memory dump, load it to the IDE and examine it and compare with your source code.

But there are lot of things you should know such as building the app with debug symbols, debugging, what a stack is, what optimization level you have while building the application, how the CPU works, … . Analyzing the crash dump is like debugging the program offline (that is, you cannot interact with program in any way, just look at it).

Some links, may be useful:

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Unity Log Files: