Hello unity people

Hi i have been creating a simple town using unity terrian and my friend has been modeling some buildings so i have started a simple town and i would like to know if this is a good start at making a game and where a i should go from now.

What kind of game are you creating?

I would also like to know if using terrian editors and creating towns and stuff will be good for a carrer in say infinity ward in 10 years? im 15

An singleplayer RPG set in the medievil times(online will be too much to make at the moment)

Add all of your character models into it. Weapons and everything included. Then you need to code and script. That’s just the basics. Heh, don’t count on going to IW when you’re 25.

What you do now will only be a part of what is required to get a job at a AAA studio when you’re 25. You will likely have to go to college for at least a Bachelors degree in whatever game design area you are interested in, be it 3d modeling, animation, concept work, environmental artist, etc.

Practicing until you get to college will help you be ahead of the curve when you DO go there, so that you can do amazing work and have a nice portfolio when you graduate. You could get recruited if you’re one of the best in your class.

Ok thanks but i was just saying that one day i would hope to join a big company once i have some experience and some projects to show off.

I’m not sure IW will even be around in 10 years. lolz

Thats what i am going to do but i live in a small town outside of glasgow in scotland and i dont know what type of collages there will be good for game desing.

A LOT of big, AAA companies want Master’s Degrees and put you at QA for years. I’d love to go to EA Redwood Shores but I decided it’d be better off just to open your own instead. I’m 16 myself.

Lol as i have said a big company in 10 years since iw is the big one now thats why i said it

There’s honestly not gonna be big companies, except for EA. It seems like they’re all slowly but steadily dieing out. Honestly it’s a perfect time to start your own company.

Opening your own wont give you alot of money as a full career though. And going into QA for years while i work up experince is that good?(i dont mind hard work sitting 10 hours on a glitchy game.)

Wow these forums are active.
As i said in my last post do you mean your company could be a proffesional one with nothing but experience lol? i would need money to get a liscence for consoles and all that legal stuff lol.

It’s not for experience, it’s mainly to see how determined you are to be part of them and get to know you.

And opening your own isn’t profitable at the start,but after you get a good indie game or two out there some publisher will notice you and will want you to create a real game that can be sold for $60.

I e-mailed Sony and Microsoft for info about DevKits and Licensing. Sony wants me to send them a demo, then they’ll decide. Microsoft told me to send them the info required (which was included in the e-mail they sent back) so they can hop right into an NDA with me. In total I messaged two different Sony Branches (one was for DevKits, one was for Licensing) and two for Microsoft (again, the same). Have fun finding the e-mail addresses to mail lol

Sounds good but can i ask you something do you think you good be the next IW or Bungie?
I was in these other forums and i thought i could one day and they where like : Never you will fail ect so i left looked on youtube and found these.

But hey how did IW become big then it wasnt magic they started off small.

No, I don’t think I’ll be Bungie or IW. I don’t think I could be as small and centralized as them (they only do one franchise each, and all of the games are the same, except for the newer Halos). IW is only big because of Call Of Duty, but now people are now seeing how sucky it is, so bye-bye Infinity Ward. I’d like to be the size of EA Redwood Shores. It’s a nice size, a little on the bigger side but perfect.

EDIT: And here’s some advice that’ll help out. Don’t expect to actually become or be part of a big company. Chances are, it won’t happen. Just take it as whatever happens, happens. If you make it big, hey, good job that’s great. If you don’t you’re not as down about it.

Ok cool i would like to one day work for a big rpg making company.

I see in the EA careers page a lot of jobs and if you work on good games and show them one day you could work for them correct?

EA made medal of honour right?