Hello Guys, i have a question for you, i’m beginner in unity and i want to make a car game, what can i do first time? , I want to make a garage, system controller for mobile, etc.
I’d suggest starting with tutorials from Learn section.
It might not be what you want, but it will teach you the basics of how things work in Unity.
I want to learn fast, how can i do a script, everything hold of unity
The learn section that xVergilX mentioned has tutorials about scripting too. Lots of them, actually.
Just to be aware, so you don’t get disappointed, there is no such thing as fast way to learn. Learning process requires time. Specially in game dev, a lot of time, if you have no previous experience.
As guys suggested, start with tutorials. Practice them, while watching and reading through.
Then you will get the grip in no time.
Including time spent away from the subject matter. Some people will binge a subject in order to try to learn it faster but it’s far more effective to spend short sessions learning with breaks in between them.
Anty and Ryiah have good advice: learn slowly (or you’ll regurgitate info immediately) and take breaks (or you’ll get stressed and go nuts).
Start with the basics and climb your way up from there. Warren Buffet became rich with patience. Read guides on coding, not just C# coding. Never copy and paste code. Learn some math stuff, geometry will be useful to learn. When learning from other’s code, try to explain it to yourself to truly learn from their code. It may be demanding, but learning pays off in the end.
Thanks guys for informations but in unity tutorials i don’t find how can learn make a script ( very important for me), I try to make a game on network tutorials( i hope that I will learn more…)
You will learn less, if you skip basics, and jump the gun, into deep water, before you even learn swimming.
What is missing in your opinion, in Roll-a-ball (Deprecated) - Unity Learn as an example? Or you didn’t looked properly?
Physics. Apply physics to rigidbodies.
Did you see the section labelled “scripting” in the page I linked? If those don’t help, you might try reading some general C# tutorials outside the context of Unity, Also, I would recommend first going through the other non-scripting tutorials on that page. In order to script in Unity it’s necessary to have a basic knowledge of how the editor works and what the basic features of the engine are.
True man, but what i learn if i see ur tutorial? ( to roll a ball?), i wan’t to make scripts for my game but i don’t have experience in C#, i don’t know how can i do to make a car move(script), i need to know C# .
The point of tutorials is, so you can replicate them. Once you do that, you learn principles by practicing. Then by nature and curiosity should experiment and trying add remove things, to see what happens IF?.
Then when you understand basics and how to attach scripts, you can start building bits for your game, by doing small prototypes.
And expand from that point onward, until you will be enough proficient, you wont be needing videos, but will understand, how to use documentations and forum, to find solutions.
I’m going to paraphrase an answer I wrote for someone asking a similar question on a discord channel:
Always make tic-tac-toe as a goal if you’re a starting developer.
Hey! that’s what I Always tell people to do.
I’ve done it at least 3 times.
As a first step, make a simple game where a block on the screen moves when you press buttons on your keyboard. Keep it simple, and learn the basics. Don’t worry right now about making the game you want to make. Just focus on learning the first few skills, and then build on top of those basic skills.
C# is a fantastic language. It is relatively easy to learn, and can do a lot of powerful things. It is definitely worth learning C#.