a namespace can only contain types and namespace declarations
I’m having this error with my code, on the line that says “void state_laptop0”
I’m learning basic Unity at the moment, so please be gentle in how you explain. From what I’ve read I think the problem is with my brackets, but I really don’t know what to fix.
The code is:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
public class TextController : MonoBehaviour {
public Text text;
private enum States {cell, pills, laptop0, liquid0, freedom};
private States myState;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
myState = States.cell;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
print (myState);
if (myState == States.cell) {
} else if (myState == States.pills) {
} else if (myState == States.freedom) {
} else if (myState == States.laptop0) {
void state_cell (){
text.text = "You are in a small room, anchored to the floor with a rope and heavy ball." +
" There are 3 items on the floor in front of you." +
" A jar of pills, a laptop, and a glass of liquid." +
" They are just out of your reach, however." +
" But there are are 3 buttons you can reach, parallel with the 3 items.
" +
" Press 1 for the pills button, 2 for the laptop button, and 3 for the glass of liquid button." ;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) {
myState = States.pills;
void state_pills () {
text.text = "The pills slide towards you on a small conveyor belt." +
" You put one into your mouth." +
" These things taste terrible. Dry, sticky powder. Blegh." +
" Wait, why the hell did you consume a random pill from a" +
" room in which you are trapped with no recollection" +
" of how you got in there?
" +
“You pass out. Press space to wake up.”;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) {
myState = States.freedom;
void state_freedom () {
text.text = "You wake up with a fairly fuzzy mind." +
" You can make out your surroundings, though." +
" You're at home. Was this all a dream?" +
" Well, at least you didn't die a horrible, pill induced death, right?
" +
“Go back to sleep. You deserve it, winner.”;
void state_laptop0() {
text.text = "The laptop is pushed towards you by a small mechanical arm." +
" You press the 'on' button. Can it help you escape?" +
" You're greeted with a terrible gif of a laughing man." +
" What a joke.
" +
“Press R to choose another button.”;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R)) {myState = States.cell;}