I’m learning the game template:3DGamekit in the unity store,the script called:PlayerController in the character component, i want to add a public int number in this script,but it can not be showed in the unity Inspector window,i can’t add anything in the script,it just doesn’t show.
Attempting to modify example projects is probably THE BEST way to start learning.
Unfortunately if it is installed as a package it is read-only, eg, it cannot be changed.
Here’s how to fix that:
If that is not the problem, then start in smaller steps:
Imphenzia: How Did I Learn To Make Games:
Two steps to tutorials and / or example code:
- do them perfectly, to the letter (zero typos, including punctuation and capitalization)
- stop and understand each step to understand what is going on.
If you go past anything that you don’t understand, then you’re just mimicking what you saw without actually learning, essentially wasting your own time. It’s only two steps. Don’t skip either step.