And I’d love to have the trasparency based on the tint color’s transparency, could anyone help me get that happening?
It must be really simple but I can’t seem to get it working.
Damn!, this shader works fine for me but now the editor keeps telling me this - “Shader wants texture coordinates, but the mesh doesn’t have them”
It’s a bit annoying, dos anyone know how I can make this shader forget about the uvs? I’m not using them on anything in my scenes…
An alternative to uv-mapping is ‘triplanar mapping’ which however generally is overly taxing for normal situations. Just as a beginning example; a triplanar mapped shader uses up to 3x the amount of drawcalls a single would
An other option would be to make a static uv size, but it needs a reference like screenPos or worldPos
Im just using vertex colours from meshes, so no textures (or co-ordinates) needed.
It all works fine. The only problem I have is that the “Shader wants texture coordinates” messages fill up the console.