Help and advice on draw cells, Tris and Vert amounts

Hi, I am pretty new to this and I am building my first game. I have designed a test level so that I can playtest the mechanics and I was wondering before I dive in and start level building, is there a best practise around limiting draw cells, tris and verts?

My game seems to be running at a stable 60fps on my laptop with:
Draw Cells: 937
Tris 54.1k
Verts 100.2k
Textures 20
Render Textures 17
Shadow Casters 802

Is this acceptable? I am only looking to develop for PC at the moment.

thanks in advance for any help :slight_smile:

in general, the lower the draw calls the less time the gpu/cpu has to spend rendering each frame. you could have a thousand draw calls, but if each only takes 1 millisecond, well… and if you have 100 draw calls, but each took 10ms.

it is always best to combine meshes and atlas textures if possible and use optimized shaders to reduce draw call times. it’s not so much about how many draw calls, but rather the time each draw call takes and without analysis on that, its’ nearly impossible to tell where you can spend time optimizing.