Help Bug in Collider2D OnTriggerEnter2D

Help me please i searched my problem but nothing can fix.

In this case i made a PlayerBall, used a Circle Collider2D with a rigidbody2d and one children for checking other collider, it seems to work but when my collider checker enter other.collider it is working when the ball is slow, but when it is fast, going down from the top in other.collider and hit it, its not working some times.

I think it is not in my code but in the collider some times it hits but some times its not.

 void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)

        if(other.gameObject.tag == "CheckUp")
            UpOrDown = true;
            scorenila = ballValueUp;
        } else if(other.gameObject.tag == "CheckDown")
            UpOrDown = false;
            scorenila = ballValueDown;

        if (other.gameObject.tag == "UpRing")
            if (UpOrDown == true)

                score += scorenila;
                print("Spawn Ring Because UpRing is not in the game");
                StartCoroutine(controller.SpawnWaves(3, 0.3f));

                Destroy(GameObject.FindWithTag("Ring"), 0.1f);

                Instantiate(deathObj, GameObject.FindWithTag("Ring").transform.position, GameObject.FindWithTag("Ring").transform.rotation);


        else if (other.gameObject.tag == "DownRing")

            if (UpOrDown == false)

                score += scorenila;

                StartCoroutine(controller.SpawnWaves(3, 0.3f));

                Destroy(GameObject.FindWithTag("Ring"), 0.1f);

                Instantiate(deathObj, GameObject.FindWithTag("Ring").transform.position, GameObject.FindWithTag("Ring").transform.rotation);


PS Sorry for bad english: I only add a rigidbody2d in my player ball.

Are you using continuous collision resolution in the Rigidbody2D settings?

Nah i did’nt, I fixed it. I just need to move this code in void OnTriggerStay2D() to make it more accurate for automatic updating when hitting the collider, because when i move this code in OnTriggerEnter2D it only function one at a time…

   if(other.gameObject.tag == "CheckUp")
            UpOrDown = true;
            scorenila = ballValueUp;
        } else if(other.gameObject.tag == "CheckDown")
            UpOrDown = false;
            scorenila = ballValueDown;