Help, cant find my players

Hey, I hope someone can help me out.

The tldr is, I am using vivox for 3d audio in a multiplayer game.
When a player dies, they become a ghost and can be heard by other ghosts, but not by other players.
However, sometimes the player does not get found. I believe it is linked to this but I am not sure. Any input is appreciated.

Here is the code I am using to connect my players:

    public async void JoinChannel(string channelName)
        if (!_isLoggedIn)
            await LogIn();

        _isLoggedIn = true;
        _currentChannel = channelName;
        Debug.Log("Trying to join channel " + channelName);
        await VivoxService.Instance.JoinPositionalChannelAsync(_currentChannel, ChatCapability.AudioOnly, new Channel3DProperties(32, 5, .5f, AudioFadeModel.LinearByDistance), new ChannelOptions()) ;
        _isInChannel = true;
        _delay = Time.time;
        int count = VivoxService.Instance.ActiveChannels[_currentChannel].Count;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

This is the code I use to find players in order to mute them:

    private VivoxParticipant FindPlayer(PlayerCharacter pc)
        var activeChannels = VivoxService.Instance.ActiveChannels;
        VivoxParticipant player = null; //= channel.First(p => p.DisplayName == pc.PlayerName);

        foreach (var channel in activeChannels)
            for (int i = 0; i < channel.Value.Count; i++)
                if (channel.Value[i].DisplayName == pc.PlayerName)
                    player = channel.Value[i];

        if (player == null)
            Debug.LogError("Could not find player: " + pc.PlayerName + " in vivox voice channel");
        return player;

Before this, I have used the _currentChannel I have connected my players to before, but I changed it to this, in the hopes that that would fix the issue, but it didnt.

On of my big issues in solving this is, that its inconsistent.
It works most of the time. Thats why I believe it is linked to the distance “issue”.
I didnt find an event to subscribe to when players are in my range to make a check to mute them then.

Like I said, I dont rly know what to do about this rn, any help and input is appreciated.