[HELP] Cinemachine free look camera popping at one point while rotating

Help! So I set up a simple scene with Cinemachine free look camera, but I am having some issues with camera rotation, the cam has a sudden pop at one point and I cannot figure out how to fix it. When I delete the collider script, the pop is gone, but I need the collider script for the wall collision. Have you experience anything like this? Thanks in advance.

unity version 2019.3.0f1 and latest cinemachine.

video 1: https://imgur.com/a/OcSjTPo
video 2: https://imgur.com/a/Dbv6RC1

Looks like you’re colliding with an invisible something.
Check your scene carefully. You you have the collision layers set up as intended?
If all is correct, can you repro this problem in an otherwise empty project?

PS: When you say “Latest Cinemachine”, it’s unclear. Can you please give a specific version?