Help for Quest System

We are developing a Role Playing Game and it’s kinda hard for us to Implement the Quest System, where the game can keep track of the objects and requirements of a quest… can you give us some key points to start over with the Quest?

we are using PlayerPrefs to store data, but i’ve realized that it is not very flexible when it comes on Database stuff… so im now implementing the Text file for database…

we will not use SQLite because it’s hard to implement.


Creating a Quest System feature is complex, and a challenge to answer in one post. There are so many approaches that are possible

Here are some resources you my find useful. Because this feature is so common (in both user experience and development needs), USING an asset store solution may offer you the best starting point, rather than creating your own solution from scratch.

And by USING, I mean pay, download, use-as-is or just read the docs and the code and learn from the package as you create your own solution, inspired by the package.

If you have questions on specific subfeatures, ask here.

Best wishes,



Asset Store Packages

Hints for quest systems are everywhere, but alot approaches are possible to get it finished. Some already in the AssetStore, some incomplete or bad tuts on youtube.

Currently i’m working on one, it is in the final steps, not to complex, and easy to setup. It wont be to expensive.

Here is my Forum thread.