I want to use the name1 variable in all my scripts, so i stored it using PlayerPrefs.SetString.
It gives the following error when i use it in one of my javascript:
GetString is not allowed to be called from a MonoBehaviour constructor (or instance field initializer), call it in Awake or Start instead
I tried to use it in start() too but the problem remains the same.
Well, I am not sure if the error is because of this but I have all my scripts in C# but one in javascript as it doesn’t give any such error in my C# script.
So, can I access the variable using PlayerPrefs.GetString in javascript when i have set it in C#?
Please help me solve the error.
here is the link for my code.
I am a new to unity and to both C# and javascript and I am learning it on my own. So, that causes the trouble and that’s the reason for the switch between the two languages. Sorry for being so silly.
I’ve converted your script to C#. You do not need to learn both JavaScript and C# to work with Unity, and C# scripts are far easier to use.
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Timer : MonoBehaviour {
static int numberOfCheckPointsCrossed = 0;
private string pathOfFile;
private string fakeName;
static float countDown = 240.0f;
// This hasn't been assigned. Without knowing anything about your Hierarchy,
// I don't know how to assign it.
Text counter;
void Start() {
fakeName = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("name1");
pathOfFile = "F:/Drishti/Data/Phase2/" + fakeName + ".txt";
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col) {
void Update() {
countDown -= Time.deltaTime;
count = Mathf.RoundToInt (countDown);
counter.text = "" + count.ToString ();
if (countDown <= 0 || gameObject.tag == "Ca")
Application.LoadLevel("Up view");
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(pathOfFile);
sw.WriteLine ("number of checkpoints crossed: " + numberOfCheckPointsCrossed);
Comment if your error isn’t resolved by this port.