Help getting started

Hi there, new to the forums, and using Unity in general. Before deciding on Unity the only language I knew well was Python but I figure it’s worth it to pick up JavaScript. I am currently taking a course in it but I have a few questions:
1: When using it, I’m doing just basic things like "insert some words here".length] > 10 kind of code, just small stuff. But I would like to understand how this kind of stuff translates into a 3D environment. As all I have seen so far is it printing it to a CLI or something of the sorts.
2: Is Javascipt a good choice? I would rather not learn C++ as of now. As I had said, I don’t have much knowledge of this stuff. Very basic, would OOP be what I am looking for in the course. I see it is nearing the end.

I just don’t get how you can write the code and use it in Unity. If anyone has a link or can explain it it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

This is bizarre coming from me, as I usually recommend away from them, but I suggest trying a few tutorials. They’ll get you up to speed with this stuff pretty quickly.

Basically, the stuff you’ve learned so far with coding asks a command prompt to do things. The code you write for Unity will be similar, but will instead ask Unity to do things with the functionality it provides you with.

Unity is written in C++
You are just scripting over the top at a high level.

Scripting in C++ is not supported directly in unity, C# is. C# has little relation to C++, it is much closer to VB.Net than anything else.

Youtube has great tutorials, but it may take a few minutes to find a series where the person speaking can explain well and clearly. The fact that they are being recorded must make them stutter and forget a lot lol.

Unity has a youtube channel and Will Goldstone is very good at explaining things. If you like to read he also has a couple of good books.