Help getting Unity Made EXE file running on other computers.

Hi I recently built a game in unity and i’m trying to get the application to work on other computers.

Specifically i’m trying to send a EXE to the Nintendo Developer Portal so i can be approved for a development kit for the Nintendo Switch.

When i try to send the folder containing the EXE the game data and everything else, via DropBox(for testing) my family can’t seem to open the file.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

You’ll have to be more specific than that. What happens when they try to open it?

What happens if you copy the the same folder that you sent to your family to C:\Test, does it work for you then? Otherwise, as mentioned, please provide more info.

what’s C:/Test? if you mean any folder in C: then yes it works there.
I can get something more specific tomorrow. But i’m pretty sure it’s not that the program crashes on them.
Does anyone know if unity created EXE files have any sort of built in security?
Or maybe there’s another step after the game is built i’m missing

Correct it was just a random test directory. Any directory outside your game would work. There is no “built in security”, looking forward to more information. Could be an anti-virus app seeing an unknown executable.

Okay Update I tried it on my old computer and it’s working fine. I’ll post again if anything comes up.