Firstly, I’ve done a full Lynda courses for Unity and looked up these questions but can’t find the answers! You guys are my last resort!
I’ve imported the basic foundation of this backyard from sketchup, but what tool do I use to fill gravel into these empty sections of the yard? A lot of it needs to be somewhat flat, but there are areas that slope down (if possible).
Things I’ve tried:
I was thinking I could use the terrain tool with a gravel texture, but it appears that the terrain tool isn’t meant for such small areas and is more for large hills and mountains. The tiniest “raise” brush creates a giant spike in the yard.
Then I tried creating a plane and stretching it and adding the gravel texture. One problem is that when I stretched the size of the plane, it stretched the size of the image material as well. I also looked up how to “apply scale” and freeze that size before adding the image, but couldn’t find any solutions. However, you can see that the plane doesn’t fit the exact shape I need anyways.