HELP! How to use a timer to set variables?

Hello again. This problem has been bugging me in every scene I try to make. So basically I have a timer variable(a float) and any other variable(an int or bool). So what i want to do is based on the value my timer variable has, the value of another variable will change. Example “if(timer >= 10.0f){ goal = true; }” or something like that. Here’s some of my code and a screenshot of what I mean to further explain(also ignore the missing script error, that’s for something else):

public int posNum;
public float cameraTimer;
public bool isIdle = true;
public bool isViewing = false;

// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		cameraTimer += Time.deltaTime;

			//Sets camera position number
			if(cameraTimer == 0.1f){
				posNum = 0;
			}else if(cameraTimer == 8.2f){
				posNum = 1;
			}else if(cameraTimer == 16.1f){
				posNum = 2;



As you can see the cameraTimer has passed 8.2f and the camPos variable has not been set to 1. How do I fix this?

The timer will never be exactly equal to 0.1f, 8.2f, and 16.2f. Comparing floats with == is a bad idea, since the floating point value may be off by a tiny amount like 0.1001. Especially with timers, the time doesn’t go up by a fixed amount, so it will almost never ever be equal.

Use: >=


if(cameraTimer >= 0.1f){
                 posNum = 0;
             }else if(cameraTimer >= 8.2f){
                 posNum = 1;
             }else if(cameraTimer >= 16.1f){
                 posNum = 2;

To check your mistake, simple print cameraTimer value in Update. By doing this you can see that cameraTimer will never be equal to .1/8.2/16.1 but equivalent to values like .12345/ 8.2323/16.12343.

Therefore its more feasible to use greater Than or Less Than operators. for such purpose.