help i full screen unity package manager and can't exit it

I opened the unity package manager and pressed full screen but then I can’t exit it I tried to press
spacebar + shift but it didn’t work I restarted my pc but still it didn’t work how can I exit the full screen
here is the screen:

,i open the unity package manager to download a package I press the full-screen icon and it got full-screened but I can’t exit it I press spacebar+shift but it didn’t work I also restarted my pc but still, it doesn’t work pls help I’m a programmer making my dream game but I can’t cuz I can’t exit the full screen

I assume you’ve tried clicking the X in the top right hand corner or the minimise button in the top right? If you have try clicking on the “Package Manager” text in the top left and dragging your mouse around?
It might not work but its worth a shot :slight_smile: