Help! I get an error message when i try to import Adventure Creator

I’m new to Unity, only just downloaded it yesterday. Today i made my first project file following a youtube tutorial and did everything step by step. I downloaded Adventure Creator and tried to import it but i get an error message saying "Problem detected while importing the prefab file: ‘Assets/AdventureCreator/Prefabs/Automatic/MainCamera.prefab’.

Screenshot of the error messages: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Please help

Looking at your logs image, the last one says that a component couldn’t be found while loading your prefab, so my first guess would that a Monobahviour is missing in your project.
A MonoBehaviour is a script that can be attached to GameObjects and executes your gameplay mechanism, they are c# code stored in .cs files in your project.

Hi, everyone! Same problem with Adventure Creator.
How is it possible to fix this?
Thanks in advance!