I saved a file on top of another in Windows Explorer, and the model disappeared in Unity.
Can anybody help?
I saved a file on top of another in Windows Explorer, and the model disappeared in Unity.
Can anybody help?
For preventing this problem in the future, use source control so that your assets can be recovered.
There are many free options, I use git. If you have the budget I would recommend perforce because it handles large binary files better than any other SCM I know of.
This is just git compiled for Windows. Just use the default options when installing.
This is a shell extension which makes git really easy to use. When you right click in explorer you will have a new 'git' menu which will allow you to create a repsoitory and commit changes. Make sure you get the 64-bit version if you're running 64-bit windows!
The way this works is you can 'create a repository' for your Assets folder and then 'commit' some or all of the files. The files you commit are now backed up at that version. If you modify some files and then open the 'commit' windows again it will show you that there are modifications and you can then save the new version as well. This will not overwrite the backup of the old version so 'commit' frequently to make sure everything is safe. If you need to recover a file to it's most recent version just click 'revert'.
It's worth noting that GIT and all other distributed source control programs handle large binary files poorly. If you have many 1GB+ binary files and you commit GIT will run out of memory while running processing the command making it impossible to commit. As far as I'm aware this wont be an issue for Unity3D development, but it's worth mentioning because I got stung by that at work once.
Judging from your other post, you said it was a 3ds file. Do you have Max installed? If you don't, you're not going to be able to import a 3ds file. If that's the problem you're going to have to tell your artist to ether export it as a unity package and you reimport it, or save it as an fbx.