Help! Input not working.

I’ve tried everything to make input work, I checked some other online forums and did the same setup and nothing has worked. Maybe it’s my code? It’s in the photo I attached. Thanks.

Your Rigidbody2D variable never gets assigned to because you have put:

void start()

when it should be

void Start()

Capitalisation matters. I would also be assuming that there would be an error that you would be seeing, so it would always have been helpful if you could post any errors (I suspect it would have been a Null Reference exception), and also if any code you show can be in code tags, not a photo/screenshot.

I tried capitalizing and it didn’t work. Some errors im getting is: it says the .net core sdk cannot be located and that " some projects have trouble loading". It says the source is the c# extension.

I also tried installing the .net core sdk but I’m still getting the message.

Also, you have named your class Movementt - is this a spelling mistake? (Script and class names should match.)

I tried and it still doesn’t work. Besides the errors mentioned above, im getting no errors. Input still doesn’t work.