Help make this timer work?

Hey guys,

Trying to get a timer working on my game.
The point of the timer is, that when it runs out the player will lose.

Here is the script where I am trying to initiate the timer

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Mouth : MonoBehaviour {
GameObject other;
public AudioClip MouthReaction;
float timeout = 1.65f;
private float timer = 0.0f;

void  Start (){
other = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Commands");

void  OnMouseDown (){
   if(Commands.Command == 1)
    Score.GameScore += 50;
	Application.LoadLevel ("Lose");
    print("You Lose");

void Update()
{  timer += Time.deltaTime;
     { if (Commands.Command == 1)
 			   if (timer > timeout)
				Application.LoadLevel ("Lose"); 	


And here is the other script it is calling to

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Commands : MonoBehaviour {
public float Speed = 0.5f;
public static int Command = 0;
public static int LastCommand = 0;
public float TimeLeft = 0;
public Texture2D mouth;
public Texture2D eye;
public Texture2D nose;
public Texture2D ear;
private Texture2D myimage;
public  AudioClip MouthCommand;
public  AudioClip EyeCommand;
public  AudioClip EarCommand;
public  AudioClip NoseCommand;

void OnGUI (){
       GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height -120, 200,100), myimage);

void  Start (){
Command = Random.Range(0,5);

void  Update (){

TimeLeft += Time.deltaTime;

if(TimeLeft >2)

transform.Translate(Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime * Speed); // Translate it up

    if(transform.position.y >= 1.65f)            // Respawn it

    if(LastCommand != Command)
        LastCommand = Command;
           case 1:
                 myimage = mouth;
           case 2:
                 myimage = eye;
           case 3:
                 myimage = nose;
           case 4:
                 myimage = ear;


public void  Respawn (){

    TimeLeft = 0;
    transform.position = new Vector3(Random.Range(0.2f,0.9f), 0.4f, transform.position.z);
    Command = Random.Range(1,5);



The problem with this scripting is that it straight away goes to the “Lose” scene. I want the timer to be the same amount of time before the next command would spawn.

I am not sure of what you are trying to do, your code is a bit messy, BUT:

You seem to be assuming that Command is an integer, when it is actually a random float, so it will hardly ever have the exact values of 1, 2, 3 or 4.

For that reason, whenever you click on a Mouth object, it will load the Lose scene, because Command will hardly ever be 1.

You should round the result of Random.Range if you want it to be an integer:


PS: By the way, I think you have a curly bracket mess in the Update method of the Mouth class.

Apparently, your timeout variable is set to low in the Mouth script, just 1.65 seconds. If Commands.Command is 1, the Mouth script loads the Lose level directly after just 1.65 seconds!