I have a problem with my coliders in unity i tried everything
so my colliders dont want to work i have an collider on a capsule with a ridgedbody trigger turned off and i have a cube that i shaped like a plane with a collider on it and when i press play the object just go trhu each other i am so confused. i tried the exact same in an onther unity project and it worked there so i just copied the object unto my other unity project and it still doesnt work help me i do not know what i am doing incorrect.
Sorry, I meant that I primarily need to see the collider and rigidbody settings but those are cut-off in your screenshots. The mesh renderer is not important.
Check your project settings and make sure that the default layer is set to collide with itself (It should be by default).
try setting the Collision detection on the capsule’s rigidbody to “continuous” instead of “discrete”. With discrete collision detection the capsule may not register a collision with a thin object if it’s moving fast enough.
Yeah, remember when I said to check your project settings and make sure that the default layer is set to collide with itself? Right now it is not. Look at the collision matrix- in the box where it says “default” in the left column and also “default” at the top (It’s on the top row, right-most column). That box is unchecked for some reason. That means that an object on the default layer cannot collide with another object in the default layer. Since both of your objects are on the default layer, they won’t collide with each other. So check that box and try it again.
Usually when you create a new project, all of the boxes on the collision-matrix are already checked. I’m not sure why yours is set the way it is.