Can anyone help me create a realistic mirror in unity.
I used the plane, camera and render texture method …
But it doesn’t look realistic because i am using Cinemachine free look camera.
Please share some of your knowledge with me.
Thank You for your time.
Please elaborate why it does not look realistic. Using a second camera with a render texture is the best way to do this.
If you want a ready made asset, check out this: Mirrors and reflections for VR | Fullscreen & Camera Effects | Unity Asset Store
It is also great for non VR
the only real alternative for this method would be the old school room duplication trick. render to texture is and will be the way until raytracing becomes the norm.
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I am using cinemachine freelook camera for my roll a ball game.
and the mirror looks like Led screen.
Please be more specific. To me looking like a led screen sounds like it’s pixelated. If so, increase resolution.
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Do you mean that the visual is static? If so, maybe you also need to move the mirror cameras?
If you have issues, please be specific
It actually looks good, but if you mean its too bright, then you need to just tone down the levels. I noticed that the flooring doesn’t look the same color, sort of saturated (too high of values). I would try playing with the levels of intensity from the mirror surface.
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Hmm I will do that, but it looks like a Led screen instead of a mirror.
it has no depth.
Thanks for the information.
i think the issue lies with how you’re positioning the camera. it looks great from the front but from the side it honestly looks like it’s coming from basically the same direction, only closer. search for the term “planar reflections” to find equations to flip the camera properly. there should be thousands of examples online.
are you flipping based on player position and not camera position and direction?
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Ah… I see what you mean. Very interesting problem.