I’m fiddling with a side project for fun and coming up with a proof of concept for a third person ARPG, not entirely unlike Elden Ring.
So I know the four pieces I have to fit together are The attack, Blocking, Armor, And resistances.
Pretty much in that order.
The idea being I put together a class for an attack With several variables: Damage, force, penetration, angle of attack, And so on.
Then if the target is blocking I reduce the values based on their blocking number.
After that I pass it through armor.
And lastly resistance.
Of course there’s gonna be a bunch of nuances like poison or bleed, The awareness of the target and their balance. Etc.
A whole lot of moving parts That is going to take a lot of fine-tuning.
I’m pretty comfortable with what I wanna do with armor and Resistance, but it’s blocking that has got me stuck.
Personally, I cannot stand From Soft’s blocking mechanics.
the shields only block a percentage of different damages.
blocking with weapons is completely worthless.
too many variables.
So my initial throughs is that block, armor, and resistance should each have 3 numbers: resistance, threshold, and armor.
Resistance being a percentage reduction.
Threshold being a flat subtraction.
And armor being a curved value (harder you hit, more damage gets through).
So ultimately that attack is going to pass through up to 9 reductions.
And I am thinking that each layer Should overwhelmingly Be waited more towards one.
Block has more threshold.
Armor has more, well, armor.
And Resistance has more resistance.
Probably need more precise names.
Does all this make your head spin?
How can I simplify the numbers to players?
What suggestions would you have?