help me, how the script determines the location of point fall ball?

I want java script that determines when the ball was hit and then the location of point fall ball already know where the opposite?
like a game of tennis balls, badminton, and football as the ball bounced and then fell to the ground and know where the point of falling balls.
java script how to find out the location of point fall ball?

This is straight out of the reference manuel.

// Print how many points are colliding this transform 
// And print the first point that is colliding.
function OnCollisionEnter(other : Collision) {
print("Points colliding: " + other.contacts.Length);
print("First point that collided: " + other.contacts[0].point);

Using the OnCollisionEnter() function, it calculates the contact point and you can use that point to do whatever you want.

Your question was a little confusing, but i hope that helped!