Help me make an Enemy!!!!!


can you help me? I want to make an Enemy but I’m not the best coder and I have some problems.

My expectations are: I want a Enemy that is like in Dishonored 2. (I hope I wrote it correct) My Game is an Sniper game and if the Enemy see me he shot at me.

Please make a Code for this or help me.

Thanks gor your help:
Yours MilchBrocken

My services are $200/h and it should take me about 50 hours. So $10,000 and its yours, I’m sure you can find it cheaper but that’s my rate.

Don’t ask people to code for you on here, its not going to get you anything.

ok I think $200 per hour is too much too too too much. And if you’re so good it’s not $200/h worth.

$200/h is quite steep but asking for free is way too little way way way too little.

How did you got such a high rate? Mine is somewhat low compared to yours… :wink:

Well seeing as I don’t get paid to code, I thought it was a good price HAHA :smile:

OP, @Chris-Trueman was being sarcastic.

The point he is trying to make is that you should actually try and learn to make things yourself. If you cant do that, you should offer payment for the services of a developer. No-one appreciates newbies coming here asking for stuff for free. Absolutely no-one.

So that leaves you with getting help to code it, but you havent even tried. Give it a go and come back and post what you have tried and what worked / didnt work and then maybe people can give you some targeted help.

Just saying “i need an enemy that does X and Y, please help” comes across as saying “Minions, I want X and Y and your going to do it for me for I am far too lazy to give it a go myself!”.

TLDR: there is a minimum amount of effort you need to put in yourself, if you want to make a game. If you cant or are unwilling to put in that time and effort, game development is not for you.

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Yes this, I want this.

Minion you are far uglier than I remember! Now make me some code.