Help me my code won't work and i'm new to codeing

this stupid error keeps poping plz help it reads " ‘Input’ does not contain a definition for ‘GetKey’ "

using UnityEngine;
public class PLayermovement : MonoBehaviour{
public Rigidbody rb;
public float forwardForce = 2000f;

// this is FixedUpdate because unity likes it more
void FixedUpdate()
{ // lol forward force go brrrrrrrrrrr
rb.AddForce(0, 0, forwardForce * Time.deltaTime);
if ( Input.Getkey(“d”) )
// if a specifect thing does a specifect thing than this code will do a specifect thing
rb.AddForce(500 * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);

that is the code plz help thank you

Sorry, wrong forum, you’ll want the Scripting forum for questions like this. A Google search for “unity input getkey” returns this link

Note that you are using Getkey and not GetKey, capitalization matters.