HELP ME PLZ error CS0117 and CS0103

I’m a new unity user and I just want to say "ça marche pas putain " when left clic is pressed but it don’t work, help me plz

How are we supposed to help you when we haven’t even seen the code that produces the error?

Here’s my list of common errors: Unity, huh, how?

Also if your IDE is not underlining errors in red and giving you proper autocomplete you need to configure it: Unity, huh, how?

As the others are expressing (in various ways) this is your opportunity to learn something new, important and valuable. I will make a reasonable guess that these are not hard problems to solve. So spend a little time and learn something about software and game development and the ability for you to solve what are going to be quite common problems.

Debugging and problem solving comes with the territory.

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