Help me to decide to use Canvas or 2D renderer URP for my next 2D game.

I just saw it some time ago as one of my friends created a 2D game using Canvas.
I’ve worked before on my own 2D game platformer, and there are no doubts about the tech i’ve used for.
However, i need to create two games: cards and a chess-like game. So, i start thinking about the benefits of using Canvas for rendering the UI and everything else, instead of using an orthographic camera and URP’s 2D renderer.
Personally, i turned to use Canvas only for UI stuff, as for rendering game objects with effects, lighting, particles, etc… - 2D camera, URP renderer.
For games such as poker and any other card/chess games are any benefits of using 2D Renderer?
Do i get the same smooth movement, can i use particles then, or how to manage all these mobile screens?
So, the only doubts in my hand, can you help me to decide?
I want to create two card/chess-like mobile games. At this moment, i don’t have all the specs about the FX, particles, etc… yet. I just want to avoid jumping from Canvas to Renderer and vise-versa in the middle of dev.
Which one is easier to handle all these mobile device screens?
Any good readings and links are also welcome.

Thanks in advance.

I would use neither but go for UI Toolkit instead simply because once you get past the learning curve it‘s a lot more flexible and powerful especially for animations than legacy UI.