HELP ME!! Why my Ponytail bone of bip in 3ds max cant action in unity??

HELP ME!! Why my Ponytail bone of bip in 3ds max cant action in unity??

There is a character having two Ponytail bones behind the Head bone.
I have done action on it key by key.
And I export them as FBX file into Unity. Besides the Two Ponytail bones …All of the Bones act!!
Why Ponytail bones cant action??
there is the wrong ??

I find if I use Legacy mode to animate in Unity.The Ponytail bone can action.
I find if I use Humanoid mode to animate in Unity.The Ponytail bone cant action.
But in the configure there is no bone can relay Ponytail bone in HEAD!!
how can I do??

avatar mask

How to do ??

I have saw it .but I still have no idea to do it…