I have an Billboard and a separated plane.
on my billboard i put a wooden texture.
then on my separated plane i put a wooden texture with a text.
the problem is. when i drag the wooden texture on billboard my separated plane have a wooden texture too it follows what texture i drag.
i wanna make a billboard with wooden texture a plane with a text.
Thank You.
Every object needs its own material, they probably use the same.
but i use an another material the one is Wooden then other one is Wooden_text they are different files.
Is it possible that you are talking about the texture files, jpg or something like that, not the material? You should create materials inside your unity project and assign textures to these materials, and each object should have its own material.
February 15, 2013, 4:11am
Why exactly did you duplicate your thread here ? http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/170109-Need-help-with-this-Mesh-Renderer. There is no need for that…
Textures are not materials, its not the same thing. You should read the manuel it is explained here.
From the docs :
“Materials are used to place Textures onto your GameObjects. You cannot add a Texture directly without a Material, and doing so will implicitly create a new Material. The proper workflow is to create a Material, select a Shader, and choose the Texture asset(s) to display along with it. For more information on Materials, take a look at the Manual’s page about Materials.”
So like it says, create a new material and then pick a shader and a texture for that material. Then drag the material unto the gameobject.