Help needed: URP RenderPass doesn't seem to work at all

Hello everyone,

I am trying to implement a simple URP (14.0) RenderPass using a shader created in the shader graph that would modify the alpha value of my fragment. Surprisingly I cannot get it to work at all, nothing changes even though I only have a simple Mesh using the Default-Line material to modify the colour of.

For that I am using a global volume with a simple float parameter directly set into the output alpha. I have enabled the post-processing on my camera as well.

I recently made the decision to switch from the built-in to URP and I have to admit that I was expecting something more reliable and user-friendly.

Here’s my code:

public class AlphaRenderFeature : ScriptableRendererFeature
    public class AlphaVolumeData : VolumeComponent
        public static readonly int AlphaId = Shader.PropertyToID("_Alpha");

        [Range(0, 1)] public FloatParameter m_Alpha = new(.5f);

    public class AlphaRenderPass : ScriptableRenderPass
        private const RenderTextureFormat ColorFormat = RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32;

        private readonly Material m_material;
        private RTHandle m_handle;
        private RenderTargetIdentifier m_targetIdentifier;
        private RenderTextureDescriptor m_textureDescriptor;

        public AlphaRenderPass(Material a_material) {
            m_material = a_material;

            m_textureDescriptor = new RenderTextureDescriptor(Screen.width, Screen.height, ColorFormat);

        public override void Configure(CommandBuffer a_cmd, RenderTextureDescriptor a_cameraTextureDescriptor) {
            base.Configure(a_cmd, a_cameraTextureDescriptor);

            m_textureDescriptor.width = a_cameraTextureDescriptor.width;
            m_textureDescriptor.height = a_cameraTextureDescriptor.height;
            // Note: I tried with and without this line, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
            //m_textureDescriptor.colorFormat = a_cameraTextureDescriptor.colorFormat;

                $"Configuring AlphaRenderPass with {m_textureDescriptor.width}x{m_textureDescriptor.height} {m_textureDescriptor.colorFormat}");

            RenderingUtils.ReAllocateIfNeeded(ref m_handle, in m_textureDescriptor);

        public override void Execute(ScriptableRenderContext a_context, ref RenderingData a_renderingData) {
            var cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get();
            var cameraHandle = a_renderingData.cameraData.renderer.cameraColorTargetHandle;

            var volumeData = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<AlphaVolumeData>();
            if (volumeData is not null) {
                m_material.SetFloat(AlphaVolumeData.AlphaId, volumeData.m_Alpha.value);
            Blit(cmd, cameraHandle, m_handle, m_material, 0);
            Blit(cmd, m_handle, cameraHandle, m_material, 1);


        public void Dispose() {

    [SerializeField] private Shader m_shader;
    private Material m_material;
    private AlphaRenderPass m_renderPass;

    public override void Create() {
        if (m_shader == null)

        m_material = CoreUtils.CreateEngineMaterial(m_shader);
        m_renderPass = new AlphaRenderPass(m_material) {
            renderPassEvent = RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingTransparents

    public override void AddRenderPasses(ScriptableRenderer a_renderer, ref RenderingData a_renderingData) {
        if (a_renderingData.cameraData.cameraType == CameraType.Game)

    protected override void Dispose(bool a_disposing) {
        if (a_disposing)

And my shader:

URP is like 10.000x times harder to make inage effects for than BiRP :), is far from be more user friendly and has around 4 different versions the break between them by now. Things like RTHandles, renderGraph etc vary between modes and URP versions. And there seems to be no end to Unity breaking URP renderer features all the time.

The best bet is find an effect that works in your Unity version in some Unity own sample or github and work from there. Using the graph make this exponentially harder also, best to use direct shader code.

Also i read latest Unity has a full screen render shadergraph for image effects, so could try find a sample for that if using a supported Unity version

Alpha is also known to not work in URP features, there is some fix on the way i think.

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Thanks for the answer !
Not really a solution, but I got so annoyed with this URP that I simply can only to go back to BiRP now ahah

i made an example of full screen render pass if you wanna look. I found this very easy but I dunno if it does anything for your needs.

Fullscreen Render Pass: Kuwahara URP Example - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions


If it can be restricted to a given layer then yes could be.
Thanks for sharing it looks really good !