Hi i was wondering if any body knows how to make a water wake for a boat. I have tried with a particle trail but it looks kindof weird. My plan was to use particles on each side of the boat and a trail behind it but I´m a bit new to unity so any help would be nice
It depends on what the surface of your water looks like. If it’s a flat plane, then you can put a particle emitter at the stern of the boat and have it lay flat particles that fade with time. The faster the boat moves, the faster the emitter emits particles. If the water has big waves you’ll have to do things a bit differently, either modifying your ocean shader or emit simple polygon planes that lay on the waves and are destroyed with time. This might take some tweaking to make it look right. It’s been a while since I did this so I’m not exactly sure how I got it to look right.
Check out some of the better commercially available boating games like virtual sailor and virtual skipper. Virtual Skipper 5 probably has the most realistic water and wakes of any I’ve seen. Give it a good study and I’m sure you’ll come up with some ideas.
I have made some progress but i dont realy get exactly what i want. Right now i use smoke to simulate the watersplash on each side of the boat. Any tip would be nice
You could try a V shaped image on the particle and set the particles to grow as they age. That may help fill in the center area of the wake.