Help on this simple thing

see this image

what i simply want is - when i click on green box, my FPS [body + camera] should go in front of red box…

any script ?

If the green box has a collider then you can add an OnMouseDown function to its script. This will detect a click on the box and you can react to that click however you like. If you want to move the player just in front of the red box then you will probably want to add an empty marker object to the scene in that position. Then, your code in the green box script will look something like this:-

var invisibleMarkerObject: Transform;  // Drag the marker to this var in the inspector.
var player: Transform;

function OnMouseDown() {
  player.position = invisibleMarkerObject.position;

Just like andeee said but you could also make the red box the parent of the empty game object, so that player gets moved in front of the red box even if the box was moved

problem fixed, thanks