Help Please, I've a problem with my ar app

I will try to explain the problem in detail!
I created a windows app that allows you to place markers on the surface of a 3D object imported into unity. Once the necessary markers (in green color) have been positioned, using the button at the bottom left, i am able to export their position and rotation within a json file. My ar app receives the json file as input and by scanning the markers on the real counterpart of 3d object, it should overlay the virtual 3d object. For positions seem to be no problem.
The problem is with rotations. Can someone help me please?
Some screenshots attached. Thanks

And the issue is?

hi, the problem is that the virtual object rotates and moves non-stop around the marker!

Ah, that’s not clear from images haha
Which Unity version? (Latest 2021 and 2022lts and latest tech streams should have a fix for stability)
You could try updating the AR systems you use.

Is it on android? Generally android on unity has more drifting

My unity version is 2022.2.18f1
Yes, it’s on android

Upgrade to 2022 lts, might be better

Hi, the problem is still the same

Then it’s an android issue for now. Forcing to 60 fps might help a bit, but there is no fix for drifting.
If that’s not the issue make a video

I think I fixed the drift, but the angles are still wrong. the FPS are already set to 60. Video and new code attached

9275685–1299093– (5.32 MB)

It seems that the initial marker does spawn properly.
So this your own code.
Debug as much as possible to find out what’s going wrong. Maybe using rotation instead of localrotation might be easier to match up rotations.
And use code tags, not screenshots of code