Help? please

hey i am pretty new to unity well not bad i got it for RUST SDK aaaaand ye i wokr with it while ago and in rust sdk there is preview file wich will show the item with colors and textures and a flat green cylinder under it well now i am back to unity and i open the preview it obly show lines :confused: like just lines no color light gray any help plz? :///

sry about bad english

umm guys let me say abit more texures or colors arent showing on the model plzz help

Can you post a screenshot?

well this forum is really bad so cant upload more than 4mb so i made a video with full detail and oh my unity just installed today

This is one of the best forums on the Internet, but whatever. :slight_smile:

I suspect that you don’t have materials assigned correctly in the Skinned Mesh Renderer. I skimmed your video, but didn’t see anywhere that you actually twisted open the Materials, so I couldn’t see. But that’s my guess.

The “just lines” you’re talking about is the wireframe highlight of the geometry, which Unity always does in the Scene view to indicate the selected object. The real problem here is that your meshes aren’t rendering — and this must be because something is wrong with their materials.

  • If your screenshots are larger than 4MB, you’re doing it wrong. The forum is good for disallowing huge images.
  • In the future, descriptive titles to your posts will get you better help. Also, not speaking English natively is fine, but do take some time to try and make your text more readable with punctuation, spacing and such.
  • When dealing with model rendering issues, it’s important to dial in on exactly where the issue is. Since you’re seeing the wireframe, it seems like the problem is with either your texture, the model’s UV map, or something in the Mesh Renderer component.

Goes to hit post, noticed he’s ninja’d by Joe, as usual.


Imgur is where I typically throw images up for temporary use. That said a screenshot won’t be 4MB if you use JPG or PNG.

well sry about my english again by pretty bad i ment not really good my file was jpg and i am on full hd so ofc its gonna be more than 4mb any way thx guys i ll try it and will tell if it works and thx again

ok i just tried it but its the same so i ll try reinstalling RUST SDK and reinstall Unity too :confused: well it take time but its fine soo u guys have any advise how to fully wipe my unity?? i mean delete all those documents and things i made in it i wanna remove all

You don’t need to delete anything. Please calm down. :slight_smile: You have a problem with these models; reinstalling Unity or RUST SDK (whatever that is) is not likely to change anything.

I don’t know what you mean by “i just tried it.” What did you try?

Twist open the Materials on your skinned mesh renderer component, take a screen shot (not a movie please!) of that, and post it. That will probably give us enough info to tell you what’s wrong, or at least what to try next.

And no need to apologize for your English — your English is fine; it’s your capitalization and punctuation that you should be sorry for! :wink:

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ok ok seems i found something
i just tried some random stuffs gone to Shaders i changed it to random things and
it worked but the texture is pretty messed up like its REALLY BAD guys really messed just have colors but things ain’t at their place annnnd ye
EDIT: it worked with FX->Flares

plz guys i know i messed some thing up it was fine i uninstalled it to move it on other drive then there it is f***** up so i know something wrong with it before i open unity i go there everything was fine so any just tell me how to wipe it?

so ok screw it i i am re installing :/// if doesn’t fix i will give up i am not into these 3D things once modeled a gun with Blender well not bad but since that i didnt work with these things anymore and idk why rust or facepunch didn’t make it easier for us for drawing a Gun and stuffs look what i have to do gosh i just wanna photoshop but things are really boring now

You’re a very difficult person to help. You’re not answering any of the questions people are asking you, you’re not following the steps people are offering, and you’re doing a lot of blaming instead of trying to figure out what the real issue is.

As Joe said, not only is there no need to reinstall anything, it won’t do anything to help you. It’s like trying to kill a fly in your house by burning your house down and rebuilding it from scratch.

Slow down, take a deep breath, and read what we’re saying.


but i cant do anything with unity idk how does even unity work the reason i use it is because game Devs want us to! and its just a place where everything is built like preview and preview have a texture and yeh but now EVERY SINGLE THING I ADD has no texture i uninstalled both its the same its annoying now it was way simple but now its blown
and tell me with details idk what to do like splitting them and stuffs idk i am simple guy who wanna work with Photoshop that is forced to use unity
i Googled this and no usefull result: Twist open the Materials on your skinned mesh renderer component Unity

This custom render path shader needs to have at least 2 passes.
I think i allways see the error when i add something
this was in console with red sign

If you don’t calm down and start typing more legibly, you’re going to quickly find no one’s interested in helping you.

To effectively use Unity, you need to understand the editor. Go through the first two sections of tutorials on using the editor. They don’t take long. Then consider reading through the sub pages of this page on Mesh components.

Once you have a better understanding of meshes and what’s involved in rendering them, you’ll likely be able to spot what’s not working properly in your case.

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alright fine i have one question just a question i think before all these used unity 5.2.2 anything major changed? in 5.2.3? :// just asking

wowowowowow guys guys guys it worked holy shiet! it worked shows skin but only in 2d does this give any info whats wrong? if not i am sry then nvm